New Rebirthing Online Retreat - Nov 24 - 26

Ancestral Healing

Webinar Series

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We're Now Living in the Memory of our Ancestors

Scientists have claimed that 95% of Human DNA is Junk DNA.

(These so called experts have also claimed that the  appendix and tonsils had no purpose in the body!)

Spiritually, the junk DNA is actually a storehouse of all of our ancestral memories and they are releasing for the Aquarian Age. These memories are then broadcasted out into the world (maya) so we get to experience these stories in our lifetime.

Our Ancestral Memories need to be integrated and purified before we an evolve as a species. 

Are You the Black Sheep of the Family?

You may have incarnated into an unfamiliar family line to break ancestral karmic patterns. If you have been part of this family line for lifetimes - you would be completely unconscious to these patterns - so much so that you wouldn't see a problem.

The black sheep is the spiritual alchemist of the family. Your role is to see the pattern with detachment and to integrate it into your Being so that the pattern stops with you. This karmic stain will not continue to travel into the  future generations of your family line. 

 Do you feel stuck?

Like there is an invisible force keeping you from moving forward? You feel frustrated because you keep repeating the same patterns over again. These ancestral patterns follow us because they are in our physical for, our DNA and live deep within the Unconscious Mind. In addition this work is part of our Soul Purpose - the reason why we incarnated into a specific family lineage.

The Human Design/Astro Chart Identifies  Ancestral Wound (s)

In this webinar series, we will be looking at our inherited ancestral wound and gifts.

The chart describes the patterns you inherited before you entered the body you now reside in. These are the  frequencies that are broadcasted out into the Maya. Most people are not aware of this part of themselves and only see the randomness of Life which puts them into victim consciousness.

 Also includes Kundalini Yoga Meditations and practical tools.

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Who's This Webinar Series for?

People who are ready to do the deep inner work that is required to become their Authentic Self for this New Age.

People ready to take their place as leaders within themselves, their families, community and workplaces.

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Ancestral Healing Webinar Series

$79 for Both Webinars

Over 6 Hrs of Content and Meditations

Purchase Webinar Series

Purchase the Webinar Series and I will calculate your chart to give you a laser focus on what you are here to transcend. (If you have rec'd a reading from me than I have your chart on file.)

For example, the karmic wound passed down your ancestral line could be Codependency (19). A strong belief in the need to be in a relationship for ones survival. A strong belief that one can not take care of their material needs on their own. The lack of material security and relationship in this lifetime could bring up strong feelings of shame. You could see this dynamic in your own family of origin. So this would NOT be this person - just an inheritance for transmutation. (There's basically 4,608 possible patterns.)

Did you know that a percentage of your money goes towards helping rescue children from sexual exploitation?

I donate a percentage of all money received to Operation Underground Railway (O.U.R.) who are committed to stop child sexual exploitation around the globe.

They are committed to:

  • rescue children - on the ground around the globe
  • provide aftercare trauma services for survivors of sexual exploitation
  • provide safe adoption initiatives for at risk children 

O.U.R. says,  "our resolve never falters and we will faithfully persevere until every child is safe."  


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