Sleeping Phoenix Webinar Series - 7.5 Hrs

New Year - Super Power Online Retreat

January 19, 20 and 21

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 The Real New Year Starts Jan 22, 2024

The New Year starts on Jan 22 when the Sun moves all around the mandala to the 41st hexagram which starts a whole new cycle of Human Experience.

Many believe that the New Year starts on Jan 1st. Not so! We are still in the 38th hexagram which is all about Struggle. No wonder our New Year's Resolutions don't stick.


Online Weekend Intensive

Conformity versus Uniqueness

 According to Human Design Astrology - the energies of 2024 will  bring entirely new challenges and opportunities for our growth and evolution. One of the major themes of 2024 is living as your Unique Self

This year we are moving from being driven by tribal and collective consciousness (2023 themes) to Individual Consciousness. 

With Pluto ingressing into the zodiac sign of Aquarius for the next 20 years on Jan 20, 2024 - the energies on the planet are about to go through a radical shift. One of the manifestations of this energy will be the surgence of Artificial Intelligence.

The shadow that we must face as a humanity is our longing to belong which conditions us to conform. This served our ancestors in the past to ensure our survival but it is a danger now to give our power and authority over to the external. 

Your Super Power in 2024 is Your Authenticity.

 This weekend intensive offers you a pause to prepare for the year ahead that activates Jan 22, 2024. We'll go into a deep dive of the themes of the 2024 Chart and have a quick look back at 2023.

This is a rare window of time to set your personal intentions for this upcoming new year. As well as a deep look into the roles you are here to play in this incarnation according to your Human Design Chart.

 I invite you to create your own retreat center at home. Eliminate all distractions and bring a one pointed focus on your own uniqueness and self-love.

Watch this Video to Learn More

Major Theme for 2024


Mastery of Your Role

 As part of your Human Design you are born to play specific roles. These are the correct masks that we wear according to our environment. The Not Self world pulls us from these roles that are natural for us. 

Our role can be through sharing with the collective, or building and supporting our relationships or to bring about mutation and change. The unique  role that you play is important in fulfilling your purpose.

These Specific Roles that you are Designed to play are Authentic to You.

Learn more about your specific roles within the 36 Archetypal Roles. Make sure you have your Human Design Chart on hand for the retreat. You will also learn more about the qualities of the lines within your chart. This information can help you to accept your role in this incarnation as well as understand others if you are teacher, healer, life coach or spiritual leader of your family.

There is No Change / Mutation without Love

Do You Love Yourself Unconditionally?

Are you critical of your mistakes?

Do you feel guilty if you consider your needs first?

Are you filled with anxiety and fear when thinking about asking for what you need? 

Is it challenging for you to accept your strengths and weaknesses?

Are you judgmental towards yourself and others?

Do you second guess yourself when making decisions?

Do you make another's voice more important than your own?

Do you hold yourself back because you don't believe in yourself?

Do you not speak your Truth out of fear of rejection?

Do you cling to people and situations longer than you should?

These are only a few symptoms  of a lack of self-love. This means that you are giving away your power to the  NOT SELF.

The Best Thing You Can Do for the Planet is To Love and Be Yourself 

When you authentically tap into the internal force of Love - your Beingness sends this frequency out to the field of Human Consciousness. This is the mutation that is needed on this planet as we make this great shift in consciousness.

Without Self-Love - There's Only Suffering

What's the Content of the Retreat?

  • A review of the 2023 New Year's Chart - Meditation to finish up the major theme
  • A deep look into the 2024 New Year's Chart ( Human Design/Astrology). 
  •  An overview of 2024 Month by Month - potential traps and opportunities
  • Human Design - The Roles we are designed to play in this incarnation. ( 36 Role Gates)
  • Kundalini Yoga Meditations + Guided Meditations
  • Exercises to set you up for the 2024 New Year that starts Jan 22, 2024 - the next day following the retreat
  • Also During the retreat Pluto moves into Aquarius on Jan 20.

 This new age is more than the accumulation of information - it's about having a deep experience of self-love. This is my intention for this online retreat.

Sample Schedule

If you can't  join live - all classes will be available for you to view directly following the session. If you have a question for me you can submit them anytime. Also there is a community forum that will be open to people all weekend and 7 days after.

Friday - Jan 19, 2024 

5:30 pm  (pst)             Opening Circle

(video will be posted for you to watch if you can not attend)

Saturday - Jan 20, 2024

6:00 am (pst)        Meditation 

8:30 am (pst)         Teaching

1:30 pm (pst)         Meditation

5:30 pm (pst)        Teaching

Sunday - Jan 21, 2024

6:00 am  (pst)        Meditation 

11:30 am (pst)         Teaching 

5:30 pm (pst)        Encounter Group /Closing Circle

Convert to Your Timezone

Register for Retreat


If you can't  join live - all classes will be available for you to view directly following the session. If you have a question for me you can submit them anytime. There is a forum all weekend to communicate with me and your fellow travelers.

I am in a strange timezone so I have done my best to accommodate you.

If you miss a session watch it before the next one so that you can follow them in order.

If you can't then go back and watch it. 

But you may have to make the sacrifice for yourself  and just stay up or wake up early to watch. This is an excellent way to get out of your comfort zone and grow!

The online retreat is designed to intensify the transformational energy.  You will notice there are a lot of Kundalini Yoga meditations in between teaching sessions. This ensures that the information is encoded within your being.

The retreat is much more of a transformational experience compared to a webinar series.

This is an online  intensive which means that it would be best to devote yourself to the whole weekend. 

The ego will try to make plans or rather excuses so that you do not have the full experience of transformation. 

Give this commitment to yourself  - to your healing and spiritual development. Only 3 days - Friday Saturday and Sunday. This energy will ripple further into the months ahead.

Let your friends and family know that you are unavailable until after the retreat.

Make your room sacred. You can use candles, incense, pictures, fresh air - whatever you need to feel calm and peaceful. 

Have a yoga mat or blanket where you can meditate. Just bring your phone, tablet or laptop to the floor. Or situate your desktop monitor where you can see it.

Also have water available especially during the meditations.

In between classes and meditations - be quiet - be with yourself and stay in the energy of this retreat.

I will be sending a message to participants to remind you of preparation with more details.

The meditations are advanced - they g deep!  They will not be physically challenging but these meditations will be directly confronting your mind and ego. It really depends upon how deeply you can can surrender to your Divine Self.

However, you will be supported by the energy of the group consciousness and me! 

After completion of the retreat - you will be e-mailed a link to download the complete retreat including all meditations, pdfs and the rebirthing.

It's a good idea to go through the retreat again or practice a meditation for 40 days following/ I will give you more information on post retreat practices at the closing circle. 

What Happens After I Register?

After payment, I will send you link to a questionnaire.

As we come closer to the retreat date you will be sent an e-mail with more details on how to prepare for the weekend. 

You will be sent login information to enter the retreat space on this website. It will be found in your library under "My Products".

Full Price - $199

Transformational Experience - Permanent Access so you can Repeat It

Full Price


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