❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

There's Light at the End of the Tunnel - Next 3 months in Shadow Astrology


 Shadow Astrology is looking at the transits according to the Human Design Chart. There are 12 zodiac signs which contain about 6 shadow patterns. (some overlap). These shadows or collective fears are coming into the light for the Aquarian Age.

My intention is to give you a greater understanding of what is happening in the world as it relates to our mass awakening.

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”  - Gloria Steinem

With Mars in Retrograde until November 14, 2020 we are seeing anger everywhere. (This is also depression which is anger turned inward.) Even the Earth is reflecting that to us with the wildfires and red skies in California.

Anger is a stage to awakening so be wise and use this energy as fuel to make the necessary corrections in your life instead of projecting it out on to others, the government, politics etc.

Remember that this time is is about your Awakening to the your True Identity as an Eternal Soul having human experiences.  


Be Aware of Oct 30 - Nov 4, 2020 

In my video I go over important dates that you should know about in these next 3 months.

One in particular is Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn are all in the 61st Shadow of Psychosis ( Insanity) and the gift of Inspiration.

There is also a rare Full Moon on Oct 31st in the shadow of addiction/ gift of invention conjunct with Uranus. This is unexpected out of the blue surprises.

I would suggest that you buy some extra food and clean water for this week. And be prepared to go into deep prayer or meditation. (I will host a live meditation during this week if that is possible.I'll let you know beforehand.)

Watch or listen to the Video to Learn More about the 61 and the good news of what is coming in December and January.



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