❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Closing a Chapter - Gift of Innovation - AstroTarot Reading

The Sun is now in the shadow of Chaos and the gifts of innovation and innocence until April 21, 2020.

Shadow of Chaos

Chaos always precedes Great Transformation.

To understand this shadow pattern we have to remember that we are one part animal, one part human and one part angel.

If we see our world through the eyes of our animal self that is rooted in fear and survival all that we will see is Chaos. This shadow makes us believe that there is no order to our Universe. 

If we see the world through our angel self we will see that we are at the precipice of a great transformation of our species.

If we see the world through our human self we will see the opportunity to make huge innovations in the way that we've been living our lives on this planet.

Symptoms of the Shadow of Chaos

  • Clinging to things or people that no longer serve your highest good
  • Terrified of change
  • Competing with others from the belief that only the strong survive
  • Not trusting where Life is taking you
  • Wanting to control everyone and everything


Gift of Innocence

When you fully accept and feel this fear of change the shadow transmutes into Innovation!

This means that you don't get fooled by seeing the chaos in the world. You see that something new is about to be born!

You are playful and creative like a child again. You allow yourself to be mutated by your experiences. 

You trust in the innocence of purity of your own heart to lead you into the unknown.

How have you changed in this last month? Where is your Life taking you? Can you let go of control?


 There's More! Watch my video to learn more about this Shadow Pattern - the channel of Mutation and an AstroTarot Reading to navigate through this week.




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