❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

🤔Do you FEEL APPRECIATED in your Relationships? Work?

Do You Feel Appreciated?

The Old (tribal) Consciousness is breaking down for 2027

The channel of community (37-40) is being mutated out of humanity.

This is the old tribal consciousness that is built on a bargain. I work or give to you and you give me a paycheck and you appreciate me for my contribution. 

Do you have this channel?

This is a global transit so it affects us all at a very deep unconscious level.

Maybe you don't feel that the other - whether that be your partner, boss, clients, friends, family members or children do not appreciate your contribution.

We are seeing this breakdown out in the collective of humanity. People working harder and harder to keep up with their basic needs. People feeling that they are not valued by their workplace - their loved ones or by the institutions that they once depended upon. 

Tribal Bargains are breaking down for the New 400 Year Global Cycle - The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.  

 The foundations that we have previously depended upon are dissolving so that something new can rise from the ashes. This is the the Sleeping Phoenix. 

What Does this Mean For You? 

You must embrace a new way of being to navigate through the new  world that is coming. If you are sensitive to energy - you can feel a major shift going on in the Collective. 

Cross the Sleeping Phoenix (2027-2438)

To help you understand this time - I am presenting a Webinar Series just on the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix starting Oct 7, 2023.




50% Complete

Two Step

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