❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Full Moon in the Shadow of Codependency for All Signs

Sat Nam, Aloha

This Full Moon is in the Shadow of Codependency (19) and the gift of Sensitivity.

 Uranus (shadow of addiction) is also opposing the Full Moon (codependency) and this means that each one of us is being liberated from our emotional attachments in some area of our life. Watch the video with your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign and learn where this shadow will play out for you.

Spiritually, Codependency is when we put GOD outside of ourselves in the form of money, relationships, career, Government, Health "Experts", mainstream media etc.

Basically we give our power to something or someone outside of ourselves.

The 19th (Codependency) Hexagram is going through a major mutation for the Aquarian Age. The 19 and the 49th  Hexagram join together to form the Marriage Channel which makes and break bonds. This means that our relationships are going through major changes for the Aquarian Age.

The latest statistic is 50% of marriages end in divorce and separation. The old Tribal Consciousness of Marriage is dissolving for the Aquarian Age. This means that this shadow of  codependency that has brought us together for thousands of years is ending.  For example we will no longer feel the drive and compulsion to sacrifice our individual identity in order to merge into  that of our partner in order to feel complete and whole. 

 What does this NEW Future of Aquarian Relationships look like? Check out my NEW over 6 hour Webinar Series coming up Aug 15th and 22nd at a Reduced Rate!




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