❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Full Moon - Sudden Liberation from the Shadow of Addiction

Uncategorized Oct 30, 2020

Happy Full Moon Today!

Moon is Conjunct Uranus in Shadow of Addiction 

Remember that Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are together in the Shadow of Psychosis for 6 days. This means all those people (politicians,teachers, celebrities) we have put on pedestals are falling down so expect more dark shadows and secrets to lift.

This Full Moon is illuminating our addictions which often passed down from our ancestors. Addictions can be to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling or shopping.

The shadow of addiction is far more subtle as it comes from the mind. It's our habitual thinking and the mind's tendency to favor particular thought forms.

For example, you may be addicted to negative thinking or toxic positive thinking. You may be addicted to people pleasing - overly focused on other people at the expense of yourself. 

You may be addicted to surface thinking and quick to believe what others tell you without question.

Uranus is liberating us from our addictions so that we can claim our gift of invention. With addictive circular thinking we remain in victim consciousness. Invention is the unexpected leap into into unbounded creativity.

Remember it's the Universal Law that every problem also comes with a solution. Boy could we use some of that in our world now!

Did You Know that the veil is at the thinnest on Halloween?

I will be hosting a FREE LIVE Halloween Meditation tonight at 8:30 pm (PST) to Heal Our Ancestors.

 If you can't attend because of time zone issues - I will be leaving it up for 24 hours and then moving it to my website.



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