❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Is 2020 the Real 2012? What did Steven Hawking say Before He Passed?

2012 mayan predictions Jul 28, 2020

Sat Nam,

Two weeks before he died, the physicist Steven Hawking said, “In many ways the Mayan’s were ahead of their time but in others they were a little too clever for their own good. In this instance they made the mistake of double counting bank holidays, meaning their calendar isn’t due to run out for a further eight years. People should actually be worrying about 2020, that’s the real end of the civilised world.” 

With the present information war on the internet,  this quote may or may not be factual but it would seem the Mayan predictions are more relevant for 2020 than 2012.

The Mayans said that 2012 would be the End of Time.

This quote made me go back and explore the December 21,2012 chart more in depth and I noticed something that I had overlooked. Sedna, a minor planet, was  activating  the Karmic Axis (South Node of the Moon)  in the shadow of Mediocrity ( 8th Hexagram).

What is Sedna?

Sedna is a large minor planet that is farthest from the Sun and it was discovered in 2003. The discovery of planets is a reflection of the evolution and growth of  human consciousness. For example when Uranus was discovered in 1781 - that time period was the emergence of the Industrial Revolution (machine age), the French Revolution and the American revolution. When we  discover a planet it means that some unknown part of our consciousness needs to be integrated. In the future, we will discover more and more planets as we enter the Aquarian Age.

As an Archetype what does Sedna represent?

Most of our planets are named after Greek and Roman Gods. but not Sedna - she is named after an Inuit Goddess. Her story is the return of the Goddess from the far reaches of outer space.

Watch the Video to learn more about Sedna's mythology and what she is teaching us as we move through this time of Great Awakening.  And what did the Mayans mean that Time Would Be Ending?

The Future of Relationships in the Aquarian Age Webinar Series - Aug 15th and Aug 22nd  

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