❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Lunar Eclipse Message (May 5) for Spiritual Fractal Line

lunar eclipse Apr 27, 2023

Are you on my Spiritual Fractal Line? 

There are 144,000 templates in humanity. This means that you belong to one of these 144,000 templates, fractals or Soul Tribes. The planet has been steeped in lower frequency shadow energies so we're often attracted to Souls NOT on our fractal line. These are karmic relationships are filled with drama, resistance and conflict. 

If you feel that I am adding value to your Spiritual Journey, "speak your language" and you understand my messages on a deep level - then you are probably on my fractal line. I'm now focusing my energy, attention and time on serving my fractal line through my programs, webinars and videos. 


 Lunar Eclipse Chart - May 5, 2023

You can see that the channel of mutation (3-60) is once again activated through Pluto and Jupiter. This means that we are in a time of Great Global Change that is being initiated from within. Mutation creates chaos and limitation at the very beginning of something new in our lives. It's really the pressure to evolve that we are all feeling as a humanity.

The Moon is in the 1st gate which is very creative! Each one of us is innately creative because our true nature ( Infinite Soul) is creativity. This knowingness gets buried under our two thousand year old numbness which is like the frozen ice cap that covers the lake. The 1st gate 2nd line of 15 degree Scorpio  correlates to the 4 of cups in the tarot. This is the 2nd  decan of Scorio that is ruled by Neptune. I go more into that in the video. Lunar Eclipses release us from limiting forces in our life and in this case it is Memory.


 Release of Memory



 Right now we are releasing personal, past life and ancestral memories. These memories from the past keep us from perceiving reality clearly. We see our world through the lens of the past. The subconscious mind is the holder of all of our memories.  When we physically die,  seven of our ten bodies drop away while the Soul, Subtle Body and Subconscious Mind travel to the Infinite. When people talk about experiencing our life passing by in a few seconds they are witnessing their subconscious mind download. Now we working through this process while alive - Jiwan Mukti - alive while dead. 

Memories can manifest through dreams or the waking state or through our personal experiences in the external world. In the video, I go more into how this process works.

What is Memory from a Spiritual Perspective 



Personal Memories are undigested experiences ( experiences not processed at the time) that live in the mind and emotional bodies. When we physically have indigestion our stomach PH gets out of balance and so too undigested experience cause our inner being to get out of balance. So the unpredictable emotional states, negativity, anxiety, depression unexpected stressful events are being burped out of your Being. 

Memories are like ghosts and are unstable and inconsistent. The way you remember events from your past is determined by your emotional state. Have you noticed this? Your memories change over time but the Eternal You does not.  So to hold on and identity with memories from your past is trying to keep a ghost alive - it wastes your energy and keeps you out of your power. 

The medicine to memories go is to practice forgiveness towards all parties, yourself and the Divine. 

How to Work with Memories - Internal and External 

When faced with a storm of memories, emotions and negative obsessive thinking - do nothing This means do not interfere with the "burping" process - don't react or try to control. Don't let the mind create stories about how you need to get back at someone or how you need to distract yourself from the pain. You just witness from your Center where it is peaceful and silent. The storm will pass quickly if you don't interfere. 


Watch the complete video - starts at 8 mins to learn more about what is going on. More information in here.

Also I am offering  a Group Coaching Session Program that starts May 7th working closely with you and your chart to lead you to the center of the storm. I am limiting the number to 12 so that I have the time and attention to devote to each person and their charts. 





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