❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

🧡 New Moon - Create Something New - Gift of Simplicity

Uncategorized May 10, 2021

New Moon in the Shadow of Complexity - Gift of Simplicity


New Moon in the 23rd Gate

The New Moon is a time when the Sun and Moon join forces to help us co-create something for this new 28 day cycle.

Shadow of Complexity and Deafness

This month we are integrating complexity (23) and deafness (43). This is the mind that worries about everything! It could be money, relationship or health worries. When we listen to this fearful mind we become deaf to our innate wisdom also called our intuition.

Gifts of Simplicity and Insight

When you face your fear of being different and walking away from the status quo you can claim these gifts. 

We are in a Spiritual Test right now where we must make a stand for Truth in our life. It will look different for each person depending upon your destiny.

Moving Out of Time

The fear will be about being alone  - outside of the crowd. Most of our fears have to do with time.

In the Aquarian Age, we are moving closer and closer into the present moment.  I talk more deeply about this dynamic in the video.

Please have a watch so you can prepare yourself for what you want to co-create this New Moon.




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