❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

New Moon Kicks Off New 18 Month Cycle

New Moon Kicks off New Themes - July 17 - Jan 2025.

Shadow of Intellect 

This New Moon is letting us know that we need transcend the addiction to using our intellect in order to navigate our life. 

Remember in Human Design,  that the mind and crown are not centers of awareness. This means that they do not have their own innate intelligence such as the Solar Plexus and Spleen.  

We need to learn how to go deeper into our awareness beyond our surface mind and ego. 

Nodal Axis Moves for 18 Months Until Jan 2025

Just after the New Moon the nodes of the moon move into the Libra/Aries Axis.

Since Jan 2022, the Nodal Axis has been in Scorpio/Taurus. How do you think you did?

Were you focused on your own comfort? Spending money on things and experiences that kept you in your comfort zone. Were you over focused on your material security? Did you postpone your inner shadow work because people around you weren't doing it and they looked happy.  If you related to most of these - you went the wrong way.

How about you did a tonne of inner purging. You sacrificed inner comfort for spiritual growth. Maybe you refused that comfy job or relationship because you felt your Soul dying inside. Did you develop a new appreciation for the value your Spiritual Journey? Streamlining  perhaps? Did you face you inner shadows and fears?  Let go of old stories of resentment and grudges. These are a few indicators you embraced the north node and went in the right direction.

Aries/Libra Axis

This new energy is going to want us to change. No more waiting in our comfort zone but to change for changes sake. You will want to make sure that your compass is pointed in the right direction for you so that you are correctly aligned with this energy. Meaning you have to be your Authentic Self.

You must let go of  any kind of codependency on people or institutions. No more looking to others for your answers unless that person is pointing you back to yourself.

No more doing things in your life for the approval of others.  

 These are a few example. I will talk more about this in a future video.


Go check out my 20 min video to learn more.


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