❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Protect Your Power - All Human Design Types

This Week the Energy Continues to Intensify

I hope that you are keeping your faith in the Divine during these dark days. Remember it is always darkest before the dawn.

Sun and Mars - Lessons in Our Personal Power 

The Sun and Mars, as of today, have activated the 14th gate. This gate is about power and is the gas pedal that drives us into our destiny path.

This means that we are in a lesson of power. We are taught to believe that we have no real power and are at the mercy of the outside authorities. Collectively, this week we will see even more power plays from our false leaders. So either we'll see banana spines - blending in to the groupthink  or hot heads railing against the system. Both versions are not being authentic and true. 

Alchemist Lesson

Let's elevate this transit up and bring it you the Alchemist. 

The world has taught us that more money is equal to more power. This is the game to keep people chasing power outside of themselves. 

The TRUTH is that you already have the POWER inside you. It's  the outside world that tries to trick and manipulate you into handing your power over. 

The lesson this week is to uncover all the ways you give up your power through the many compromises you make.

Check out my video:

Learn ways that we give up our power

What is the Shadow of Compromise ( 14)

Why is this the Gate of Wealth

Divine Power

Messages for Each Human Design Type




Ready to finally Let Go of Fear, Anxiety, Worry and Depression for 2024?  Then go to the CAUSE of all FEARS which is the Fear of Physical Death

Join us for the Death and Dying Online Retreat - Nov 24-26.  Empower yourself with this Occult Knowledge. Learn the mysteries of the death process according to the Human Design Chart and Ancient India with Meditations and a Spiritual Rebirthing.


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