❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Shadow of Inequality until March 1 - Balance of Masculine and Feminine

Uncategorized Feb 27, 2020

Sat Nam, Aloha

Our Solar Sun has been in the shadow of inequality/weakness (37) and sits there until March 1, 2020.

What's the Theme?

The shadow rules the inequality between men and women. As Aquarian Alchemists,  we have the potential to balance the masculine and feminine energies by doing this work internally.

How do I work with this Shadow?

The #metoo movement is a perfect example of this shadow at work. We are hearing more stories of men in positions of power exploiting women. If you are a teacher or student of Kundalini Yoga you will know that there have been allegations directed towards Yogi Bhajan exploiting his female students.

Instead of going into right or wrong which is the mind - move into your Emotional Body. What emotions are coming upon for you when you witness inequality out in the world? What part of you do you consider weak?  Do you feel victimized by your gender?  How is your masculine and feminine energies out of balance?

Give yourself time and space to Watch  my video to learn more about this shadow and gift. Also there are two separate readings for Generator and Projector Types.  Go get your free chart to determine which type you are and have a listen.

Please leave your comments below the youtube video:


Here are a few comments so far from youtube viewers:

"oh my this was like a private reading i really appreciated it made me laugh at the accuracy like a mirror xxx"

"really enjoying your new format, readings and all resonated so so much. WOW."

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