❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

πŸ’Ž Sun in the 8th - Your Anthenticity is your Strength

8th gate transits May 16, 2021


Sun in the 8 Gate

The Sun is in the 8th Gate until Friday, May 21, 2021. This is personal to me as this gate sits in my Sun position.

To find out if you have this personal to your chart - click here for your free chart.

Shadow of Mediocrity  and Compromise

This week we are integrating mediocrity (8) and compromise (14). This is about being your Authentic Self without compromise. The fear is what other people think of you and feeling powerless to create change in your life.

Gifts of Uniqueness and Competence

When you face your fear of what other people think of you only then can you be a powerful force of healing in the world. 

We are in an identity crisis right now. We are being pressured to deliver our Authentic Self. The pressure in your life will intensify until you make your choice.

Where is this Pressure Coming From?

If you consider yourself only this body, mind and these 5 senses then the pressure will seem to come from outside of you.

The truth is that this pressure originates from deep within the collective of humanity. As spiritual people it is wise to go to the causal point where the war of consciousness is really taking place.

It is time to do the spiritual work of integrating your shadows and purifying what is covering up your heart.

What is left? Your Innocence! This is your natural state of being - your Authenticity.

Please have a watch and I also share my own personal experience with the external pressure of an outside authority (police). I'll share what I learned.


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