❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

2021 -2025 What Lies Ahead? Neptune and Pluto

Long Term View  2021 - 2025

When looking at energies coming from the future -  it's  best to see what the outer planets are up to such as Neptune an Pluto.

It takes Neptune 165 years and Pluto 248 years to move thorough all the 64 gates of the mandala. 

These outer planets are more connected to the collective rather than the personal inner planets.

Neptune is How We Mature Spiritually

Neptune is the window into Unity Consciousness. Neptune is how we perceive reality.

At present our windows are dirty!  Many on the planet are under the spell of the shadow of Neptune.

The shadow of Neptune is deception, manipulation, fantasy and addiction. The shadow (22) is to not take responsibility for our spiritual journey and this is to dishonor ourselves.

Pluto is teaching that we must transform our relationship to authority,

Pluto rules the government and all of our institutions including health, legal and education. It is in the shadow of limitation and hidden from public view.

As the Great Awakening is taking place in these next 7 years -  Pluto is doing everything to keep control and power by setting material limitations.

Pluto informs Neptune through a war on our perception. And for the collective this manipulation is achieved through money or more deeply our fear of survival.

These shadows are not wrong as they serve a greater purpose in transcending our lower animal self.

Neptune  "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is."

Neptune dissolves our attachments and limitations so that we can expand into our greater Self.

As a collective it is dissolving our relationship to money, food, water and our sense of self-worth.

Neptune is telling us that we must shift our values from the material to the spiritual. As we make small steps towards investing in our spiritual journey we will invite Grace -  higher frequencies  into our lives.

This breaks the spell of the shadow of Neptune and puts us into clear higher frequency perception.

Watch the video to learn more about these patterns and what we can expect in these next 4 years.

Also I share my own personal story with  breaking an ancestral attachment  back in January, 2021

P.S. If you haven't received your recorded reading - please contact me as they have all been sent out!


Pineal Class - "NEPTUNE" for $10 off


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