❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

🛑 What NOT to Do - Dec 6 - 12th - Neptune Goes Direct

neptune Dec 03, 2023

Weird Times Ahead This Week 

Maybe you're already feeling it? Neptune has been retrograde since June 30 and is finally going direct on Dec 6, 2023. 

Neptune doesn't budge at all for 6 days - from Dec 6 - 12. Neptune affects our sense of reality in the 3D world and it is dissolving the veil.

How this will Affect us?

Time will go through a distortion either slowing down or speeding up. Memory loss. Our faith and trust in the divine will be tested. It's in the 36th gate which rules the dark night of the Soul. Plus we have Saturn in the 55 which puts delays with Divine support. It can feel like we've been abandoned by the Divine. "Why aren't my prayers manifesting?" It can feel like the darkness of the ego on the planet is winning - greed, selfishness, corruption, cruelty is taking over. 

The channel of the Adventurer is activated by transit which can pull the not-self into experiences that are not correct for us. The temptation that the grass is...

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💥 Breaking the Piscean Hypnotic Trance - Transcending Neptune’s Illusions

We are leaving the Piscean Age of the last 2,000 years and moving into the Aquarian Age.

Neptune rules the Age of Pisces and at the shadow frequency is  linked to illusion and deception. The ruler of the Age of Aquarius is Uranus and that is linked to mass awakening 

In the Piscean Age we have been in a trance - this means we have been transfixed by the physical world. This really sets in from the age of 14 to 21 - we become transfixed by the material world, our bodies and our 5 senses. This trance keeps us limited in our perception of reality and as a result easily controlled and manipulated by the external world.

I recently watched an eye opening interview with a professional hypnotist and he was shocked to see main stream media and outer authorities using these tricks of hypnosis on the masses. In my latest video I put these notes into a spiritual context and offer you a away out of the Piscean Trance.


I will be sending out a free Kundalini Yoga Meditation to...

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🛑 How to Repel Spiritual Parasites - Neptune in the Gate of Crisis - 2025

Neptune Retrograde

The planet Neptune is our spiritual mascot. It represents how we spiritualize and return to Unity Consciousness.

Neptune is now in the 36th Gate of Crisis until 2025. This is the shadow of emotional turbulence and the gifts of humanity and compassion

We now have Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and Chiron all retrograde! This shows us that it is time to bring our loving attention inside to our own healing.


Parasitic Consciousness vs Homo Sanctus

The time we are in has been prophesized by many of the ancient traditions. Humanity is entering a profound time of change and evolution for the Aquarian Age.

We are seeing the confrontation of these two consciousnesses. Here's the secret - it's going on inside you, me and every human on this planet.

Just like in the physical world we have physical parasites that impede our health we also have spiritual parasites that block our spiritual development.

Please watch or listen to my video - How to Repel Spiritual...

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🌪Neptune Transits - Echoes of 1938-45 - Dark Night of the Soul

big transits neptune Jun 01, 2021

Neptune Transits

Neptune is our window into Unity Consciousness and shows us how we spiritualize.

It takes 164 years for Neptune to move through all the zodiac signs and to move around the 64 gates of the Mandela.

Echoes of 1938 - 1945

During this time, our ancestral memories are releasing from the collective unconscious of humanity. The similarities to Germany 1938 - 1945 were of interest to me so I checked out where Neptune was during that time.

Lo and behold Neptune was moving through the exact opposite gates of where we are now.

Each gate has a programming partner and they work together to create a particular energy or shadow pattern.

The end of WWII (1945) we were in the 18th gate - the shadow of judgment and the gift of integrity. It was the time of the Nuremberg trials and out of this came the Nuremberg Code which is a gift of integrity in itself.

The pattern show us that we are in a healing process now that will start the completion phase March 2027 when Neptune moves into...

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2021 -2025 What Lies Ahead? Neptune and Pluto

Long Term View  2021 - 2025

When looking at energies coming from the future -  it's  best to see what the outer planets are up to such as Neptune an Pluto.

It takes Neptune 165 years and Pluto 248 years to move thorough all the 64 gates of the mandala. 

These outer planets are more connected to the collective rather than the personal inner planets.

Neptune is How We Mature Spiritually

Neptune is the window into Unity Consciousness. Neptune is how we perceive reality.

At present our windows are dirty!  Many on the planet are under the spell of the shadow of Neptune.

The shadow of Neptune is deception, manipulation, fantasy and addiction. The shadow (22) is to not take responsibility for our spiritual journey and this is to dishonor ourselves.

Pluto is teaching that we must transform our relationship to authority,

Pluto rules the government and all of our institutions including health, legal and education. It is in the shadow of limitation and hidden from...

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