❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

πŸ›‘ How to Repel Spiritual Parasites - Neptune in the Gate of Crisis - 2025

Neptune Retrograde

The planet Neptune is our spiritual mascot. It represents how we spiritualize and return to Unity Consciousness.

Neptune is now in the 36th Gate of Crisis until 2025. This is the shadow of emotional turbulence and the gifts of humanity and compassion

We now have Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and Chiron all retrograde! This shows us that it is time to bring our loving attention inside to our own healing.


Parasitic Consciousness vs Homo Sanctus

The time we are in has been prophesized by many of the ancient traditions. Humanity is entering a profound time of change and evolution for the Aquarian Age.

We are seeing the confrontation of these two consciousnesses. Here's the secret - it's going on inside you, me and every human on this planet.

Just like in the physical world we have physical parasites that impede our health we also have spiritual parasites that block our spiritual development.

Please watch or listen to my video - How to Repel Spiritual Parasites as it relates to this shadow of turbulence.

NEW! Webinar Series Coming Up

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your chart shows you  your deepest wounding and your greatest gift. It also shows you a major piece that relates to your Soul Purpose.

I will be presenting an in depth  6 + Hour Webinar Series on July 25, 2021.

Chiron is in Aries until 2027! 

Learn what is coming according to Chiron - the bridge between the known and the unknown that points to the Galactic Center of the Universe.

Register to Hold Your Spot.




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