❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

All Human Designs - New Moon - Memory Wipe

new moon Dec 12, 2023

New Moon Today  

New Moon Activates the 26th Gate 

Neptune is officially moving today so time and space can get a bit wonky. New Moon  in the 26th gate line 4 is a gift to humanity!

It means that we have the potential in this moon cycle to permanently forget painful traumas from our past.

It's like in the movie Men In Black who give a memory wipe to people to permanently erase their memory. 

The holiday season is a perfect time to let go of all painful memories -  so give it over to the Divine and feel any emotions that will arise. 

New Moon Livestream Video 

In the video I talk about this New Moon on the impact on the collective which echos back to Jan 12, 2020. 

Mercury is going retrograde in the 58 which tells us that some deep hidden truths will be revealed in the next couple of months about 2020. 

 Visit page to learn more.



2 Hour Live READINGS - a Mini Workshop All About YOU

New Short Video  (7 mins) on how a live reading can benefit you now?

You can also purchase a reading for a friend, child or loved one this season. 

*I have opened my schedule so I have a two week waiting list for a few people. 


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