❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Chiron RX is the Doorway into Your Destiny Path - ALL SIGNS

51gk chiron Aug 07, 2023

Are Your On Your Destiny Path? 

Your Unique Chart is a map to direct you there

Chiron is a bridge from the unconscious (Uranus) to the Conscious (Saturn).

For the Aquarian Age, the ruler Uranus is liberating us from our unconscious conditioning and the co-ruler, Saturn, is repressing this energy through fear and control. These are the opposing forces inside each one of us that creates a tension that can manifest  on the external as one of our greatest life challenges.

In order to evolve, there's no way to avoid our suffering and our deepest wounding on this planet. It's like trying to get through a million mile high wall without walking through the door.

Yet, as Carl Jung says, “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls."

 We are at a choice point on our planet now. The pressure is too great to sit on the fence when it comes to our Spiritual Journey. With Venus Retrograde, maybe you are seeing people in your life making their choice and feeling them moving away from you in consciousness.   

It's really about the fence sitters now to determine the evolutionary experience  - kicking and screaming or with courageous commitment.

Walk Through the Door to your Destiny Path 

This means choosing to face your Soul.

As soon as we make the commitment (Venus RX in 29 - gift of commitment) we are faced with our suffering and deepest wounding.

This is where Chiron can help you as it's coming closer to the North Node of the Moon (destiny).

Do you know what area of your life Chiron and North Node is transiting through? And calling you to shift gears and to face some deep wounds to get on your path?  Your wounds don't magically go away if you refuse to look. They leak out in surprising ways in your life. We can't escape ourselves and our Soul Purpose - the Divine has on 24/7 surveillance.

Chiron RX until Dec 26 has amplified its pressure on you and is in the Divine Gift of Awakening (51)! Seems like a no brainer to me what we need to be working on! 

Check out my video - watch the first 20 mins intro and then click to your Rising, Sun and Moon. You will see where to focus your energies for Min Effort - Max Result - Awakened and in your Power.

 And if you're making your choice to follow Maya (fear and the material world) then this information isn't for you. 


PHOENIX Club is still open to New Members. Teachings at last Sunday's Meeting -  after the publication of this Video.

  • A deeper dive into Chiron RX and the 51st gate and channel.
  • A group KY Meditation (burn inner anger) to practice every day for 7 days  to work with this energy.
  • Teachings on the psychology of anger and how to manage and use it for spiritual growth.
  • As well as group check ins - Q+A. 1.5 hr
  • Meetings are recorded to view later. There are also daily transit reports to keep member on track and space to communicate with one another. All is archived.

First 7 Days are FREE - Check it out  - it maybe exactly what you need to grow forward.


50% Complete

Two Step

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