❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Chiron RX is the Doorway into Your Destiny Path - ALL SIGNS

51gk chiron Aug 07, 2023

Are Your On Your Destiny Path? 

Your Unique Chart is a map to direct you there

Chiron is a bridge from the unconscious (Uranus) to the Conscious (Saturn).

For the Aquarian Age, the ruler Uranus is liberating us from our unconscious conditioning and the co-ruler, Saturn, is repressing this energy through fear and control. These are the opposing forces inside each one of us that creates a tension that can manifest  on the external as one of our greatest life challenges.

In order to evolve, there's no way to avoid our suffering and our deepest wounding on this planet. It's like trying to get through a million mile high wall without walking through the door.

Yet, as Carl Jung says, “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls."

 We are at a choice point on our planet now. The pressure is too great to sit on the fence when it comes to our Spiritual Journey. With Venus Retrograde, maybe you...

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New Moon - Spiritual Warrior Activation

25gk 51gk new moon Mar 19, 2023

Astrological New Year

I already presented a Livestream on the New Moon  (50 mins) this week, but I felt called to color in the lines and I put out another video found below.

The New Moon is in the 25th gate - gate of Spirit of the Self and it meets up with Jupiter that activates the 51st gate - gate of shock.

Channel of Initiation/Uniqueness

These two gates meet to form an energy circuit called the Channel of Initiation or Uniqueness. This channel is a bridge between the Personal Will Power Center and the Ji Center or the HIGHER SELF.

The will power center represents Tribal Consciousness which is the bargain - you do this for me - I do this for you. Tit for Tat.

This tribal consciousness is being mutated out of our human DNA - we will no longer be motivated to support one another in this way.

Collective and Individual consciousness will remain. 

This new moon energy is initiating you into a New State of Consciousness. This energy is about stepping into your...

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Mars Retrograde - Trust Your Anger!

There are 3 Ways that Humans attempt to Cope in the Face of Great Change

1. Denial - put our head in the sand and deny that anything is happening. Indulge in addictions in order to escape.

2. Cling to the past. Longing for the good old days when life was good. Holding on to an old identity in order to resist our evolution.

3. Fantasize About the Future. This is hoping that a Saviour will come and save us from our misery. 

Maybe you can relate to one coping mechanism more than the others?  Or do you move from one to the other depending on the day?

It's ok, we are human and these are natural ways to cope with this transition into the Aquarian Age. We are doing our best to navigate through these uncharted territories.

In my video I go more into depth with the 3rd coping mechanism. This is a dangerous thinking as the Aquarian Age is the age of Empowerment meaning you are your own Saviour.

I also talk about Mars in retrograde in the shadow of...

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