❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Full Moon - Shadow of Opinion - Widen Your Point of View


Full Moon - March 28, 2021

The Full Moon is illuminating the Shadow of Opinion and is in the sign of Libra which rule our relationships.

You'll notice that the 17 is coming off the Center that rules our personal mind - the Ajna.

What Does it Mean?

This shadow makes us myopic and only see the flaws in others, ourselves and the world.

The shadow of opinion makes us see only fragments of the whole and not the complete picture.

It's like the ancient story from India:

A group of blind men who have never encountered an elephant before. Each surrounded the elephant and began to describe what they felt. One by the trunk said it was snake, one by the tail said it was a  rope, another by the leg said it was a tree. They even began to argue and fight with another.

When we are in the shadow of opinion we can be like these blind men only seeing one fragment of the whole.

Opinion makes us take sides, masker - anti masker, republican - democrat, conservative - labor, conspiracy theorist - brainwashed sheep. This shadow keeps us divided and fighting with another.

We live on a plane of duality - where you find one thing you will find its opposite. Out of the One Source always comes two.

The problem isn’t our opinions because that's  just what the mind does - generates thoughts. The problem is when we identify with our thoughts and then feel the need to defend our point of view.   


A good exercise to practice is to bring in an opinion that you feel strongly about. Put it aside for a moment and consider the opposite view point.

For example,

1. This lock down is bringing  the world into a medical tyranny where humans  become slaves to a global technocracy.

2. This lock down is for my spiritual  benefit - it's forcing me to go inside myself and do my spiritual work so that I can become illuminated and one with God.

Now imagine both could be true at the same time. This is called a paradox and will move you out of the Shadow Frequency.

The Gift of Farsightedness

Cultivate a playfulness with your opinions and stay open minded. The ego loves seriousness and conflict.

This is when you transcend the mind and become farsighted. This means seeing from your heart - seeing through the eyes of God. It's an inner seeing that opens the 3rd Eye so that you can see the future that is coming. You may start to see repeating numbers wherever you look - these sorts of things.

How Can I Work with this Energy?

Watch or listen to my latest Full Moon Video to learn more!

NEW - Neutrino Astrology Recorded Readings (only 24 - 48 hr wait time - unless you're a manifestor/reflector)


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