❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

πŸ€” Full Moon - Shadow of Selfishness - Deconstructing the Upside Down World

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2021

Full Moon in the Shadow of Selfishness

The dominate energies of this Full Moon are in the 27th Gate.

This is the gate of caring and the shadow of selfishness and the gift of altruism.



What is Selfishness?

Selfishness is when you listen and obey your ego and mind. It is rooted in a deep unconscious fear.

Did you know that there is a flip side to selfishness that we rarely talk about?

We all know that selfishness to focus on one's own needs at the expense of others.

Selfishness is also to become overly focused on other's needs at the expense of your own.

As spiritual people we have been taught that this is an admired trait. Not true! Not considering yourself when giving to others is actually another form of selfishness!

How Do I Know I'm  in this Shadow?

Attract Takers

You give and give to others and end up feeling angry. You believe that you have been used, exploited or taken advantage of for your generosity.

Giving and Receiving are out of balance within your relationships

You are the last one that you consider when serving others

Challenges nurturing yourself

These are but a few of the qualities of this shadow pattern.

To transmute this shadow into true giving you must FEEL the deep unconscious fear which is related to your sense of self-worth. We attract people who take from us so that we can address this unconscious fear which is Shame.

This Full Moon wants us to bring balance to our relationships by learning to nurture ourselves spiritually, mentally and physically.

It maybe time to set a boundary or two! Trust your intuition on this!

How is this Shadow Playing Out in the World?

We are evolving into the great Age of Truth but first we must see the Deception.

We live in an upside down world that is slowly coming right side up again.

There is power in our language. This means that the shadow has become the gift and the gift has become the shadow

Only then can we strengthen ourselves and others! The Universal Law is to Give is to Receive.

Learn how this shadow is being used to manipulate humanity in the Great Deception.



Push Back Documentary

 πŸŒŸ Recorded Readings - Awareness Map Diet, Environment, Variable and Type


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