❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Full Moon - What Will You Choose this Week?


Full Moon is in the Energy of Commitment

The Full Moon is in the shadow energy of Half-Heartedness, the gifts of Commitment and Devotion. 

As a human collective, we are experiencing birth pains as we let go of old ways of being. What is being born is  Christ Consciousness - the product of the integration of shadow and light. This is the Divine Child that is being born in each one of us. 

We are evolving through the emotional body which represents  our wounded inner child. Only when this child ascends does it transmute into the Divine Child - innocent, pure and a powerful creator for building this new Earth.  We are returning to our natural state as a humanity. This is a time of great potential even though it may look very dark.

We are being called to leave navigating life through the mental awareness ( the mind) and making the great leap into the solar plexus awareness ( the emotional body).  What we initially find there is a lot of pain ( anger, fear and grief) from those first 7 years of imprinting. When we commit to roll up our sleeves and face these demons - the door opens to Spirit Awareness. This is living life through frequency.  

Many are suffering right now. But I ask, "Who is suffering?'  The ego. The mind that has held rulership of this world for thousands of years.  The best way to handle these times is to relax and surrender into your Awakening Experience. Each person is receiving exactly what they need to go through this birthing process. 

Our deepest darkest fears are being revealed to us so that we may integrate them through feeling. These ancient wounds have been passed down to you from generation to generation. You are the culmination point of  your ancestors and these wounds. 

The shadow of half-heartedness is to resist your awakening  - indulge in addictions - get lost in the mind or wait for a savior. Only you can do this work - no one can do it for you. 

The Full Moon say, "Commit to this experience. Even though you have no idea where it will lead you - say Yes anyway."  Really you've already committed to this experience before you incarnated. Your mind just hasn't caught up yet!

Watch my video - there's lots more to share. The 29  is my purpose so I know it very intimately - the shadow and gift. 


Heal your Mother Wound - Over 6 hours of content and 2 powerful Kundalini Yoga Meditations. 


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Two Step

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