❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Venus Retrograde - Reclaiming Divine Child

Venus Retrograde (Until Sept 3/23) 

How Much Do You Love Your Authentic Self?

This is the question on the table until September. Of course this in turn makes us review our relationships. Are our relationships aligned with our self-love or our emotional wounding? 

Venus is in the Gift of Commitment - so it's choice time and a very emotional time for many.  Also expect those past relationships to come back for the Spiritual Testing of your commitment to your Self!

Why Don't We Love Ourselves?

Past emotional wounds that can be traced back to our wounded inner child. Venus Retrograde in Leo is the archetype of the Divine Inner Child!

What Are Some Signs of Unhealed Childhood Wounds? 

If you answered yes to many of these questions - it's time for you to do Inner Child /Emotional Work. My Awakening the Sleeping Phoenix Program is still On Sale.

Watch Video to see how this transit Impacts you according to your Astro Data

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Full Moon - What Will You Choose this Week?


Full Moon is in the Energy of Commitment

The Full Moon is in the shadow energy of Half-Heartedness, the gifts of Commitment and Devotion. 

As a human collective, we are experiencing birth pains as we let go of old ways of being. What is being born is  Christ Consciousness - the product of the integration of shadow and light. This is the Divine Child that is being born in each one of us. 

We are evolving through the emotional body which represents  our wounded inner child. Only when this child ascends does it transmute into the Divine Child - innocent, pure and a powerful creator for building this new Earth.  We are returning to our natural state as a humanity. This is a time of great potential even though it may look very dark.

We are being called to leave navigating life through the mental awareness ( the mind) and making the great leap into the solar plexus awareness ( the emotional body).  What we initially...

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