❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Good News! Galactic Center Activation for All Signs

Sat Nam, Aloha

If you study astrology you know that the Nodes of the Moon switched zodiac signs on May 5, 2020 and stay there until Jan 18, 2022.

Why are are the Nodes Important?

The moon's nodes represent the karmic axis of humanity. When they shift signs every 18 months it means that the Earth School curriculum changes too! Our Collective Soul lessons change. This energy is guiding the evolution of humanity into the Great Age of Aquarius.

Now we are called to let of the archetype of Sagittarius and embrace the archetype of Gemini. For example, Sagittarius rules travel  which has become more difficult and Gemini is about our local communities - who we see everyday. Sagittarius is about strongly held beliefs and Gemini is playful and curious in its thinking.  Do you not see the Information War that is taking place? Our ancestral  beliefs (Sagittarius) about Government and Law  are being challenged by a glut of new information ( Gemini). 

The South Node is in the Shadow Pattern of Obscurity

Each  zodiac sign can also further be divided into 6 shadow patterns (Hexagrams/Genekeys) that can give us further insight on where to best focus our energies to make the most Spiritual  progress in our life.  The South node is in shadow of Obscurity and the gift of Light from August 5th until October 3rd. 

Why is this a Big Deal?

The shadow of Obscurity (11) relates to the Galactic Center which is 26,000 light years from the Sun. We are moving towards it as we end the cycle of Pisces and enter into the NEW Aquarian Age. This is the Great Awakening of Humanity that the Present Power Structure is trying to stop.

This event is part of the Solar Plexus Mutation that is taking place for 2027 .  

The Galactic Center is Activating You

The Divine Light coming from the Galactic Center is activating some buried gift within your DNA that you are here to share with the Collective. But first you must embrace the shadow which is keeping this light hidden from you. 

According to your Rising, Moon and Sun sign you can determine where this shadow pattern is playing out in your life. 

For example if you are a Sagittarius Rising, Moon or Sun then this shadow falls into your 1st House. This is about letting go of Ancestral Beliefs around your physical body and appearance. A belief such as, "I have to look good in order to be loved. I have to have a perfect physical body." 

This pattern may have been passed down from your mother, grandmother and great grandmother. This shadow hides the Light from you and that your true beauty emerges from within and you are loved no matter what you look like. You are here to be a channel for Divine Wisdom but the shadow keeps you focused on your appearance instead of the energy trying to move through you.

 For example if you are a Gemini Rising, Moon or Sun then this shadow falls into your 7th House. You must let go of Ancestral Beliefs around relationships, partnerships and marriage. The future of our relationships are completely changing and mutating for the Aquarian Age! 

As a Gemini  you are part of this new relationship paradigm with this position of the Galactic Center in your 7th house.

You may have inherited the belief that your happiness and fulfillment do not matter within a marriage. The belief pattern passed down may have been, " As long as he is a good provider and father, faithful, doesn't have any addictions, treats me well - he is a good marriage partner and I have no right to complain."

The shadow pattern keeps the hidden light from you which is to embrace a new paradigm of a Spiritual Marriage and what that means to you. An Aquarian Relationship that brings you happiness, fulfillment and Enlightenment at a Soul Level that we haven't seen on this planet - yet! 

 Watch the Video to learn more about the Sagittarius/ Gemini Axis and then check out your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign. I put an overlay for each sign so you can fast forward quickly to your sign but listen to the first part to give you more information about our Collective Soul Lessons.



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