❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Good News! Galactic Center Activation for All Signs

Sat Nam, Aloha

If you study astrology you know that the Nodes of the Moon switched zodiac signs on May 5, 2020 and stay there until Jan 18, 2022.

Why are are the Nodes Important?

The moon's nodes represent the karmic axis of humanity. When they shift signs every 18 months it means that the Earth School curriculum changes too! Our Collective Soul lessons change. This energy is guiding the evolution of humanity into the Great Age of Aquarius.

Now we are called to let of the archetype of Sagittarius and embrace the archetype of Gemini. For example, Sagittarius rules travel  which has become more difficult and Gemini is about our local communities - who we see everyday. Sagittarius is about strongly held beliefs and Gemini is playful and curious in its thinking.  Do you not see the Information War that is taking place? Our ancestral  beliefs (Sagittarius) about Government and Law  are being challenged by a glut of new information ( Gemini). 

The South...

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