❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

New Moon - Ready for a Rebirth?

49th gate new moon Feb 10, 2021

Happy New Moon!

The New Moon is in the 49th Gate - the Gate of Revolution.


Revolution is one of the major themes of 2021. (I presented a 4hr 2021 webinar on it back in Dec)

What Does it Mean Collectively?

Remember that the Full Moon energy (Jan 28) was lighting up the 19th gate - Shadow of Co-dependence? Letting go of our dependencies on something outside of ourselves whether that be relationships, addictions or outside authorities. Basically anything other than the Divine.

The Gate of Revolution (49) says that the collective be cautious of Tribal Leaders promises of security and survival in exchange for our obedience to new rules and regulations that may or may not be correct for us as individuals. You must determine that for yourself through prayer and meditation.

What Does it Mean Individually?

No Real Transformation happens without the fuel of Emotion.

Notice how the 49 sits in the Solar Plexus - the seat of our emotions?

This moon cycle can be very emotional!

To work with this energy you must go to the emotional root of the 49th shadow which is REACTION. The primal wound is rejection.

We react and lash out because we feel rejected.

This is one of the 6 Primal Wounds of Humanity. The problem is not when someone rejects you - it's when you reject yourself.

This New Moon is an opportunity for Rebirth and this comes when you integrate all those parts of yourself that you have been taught to reject. This could be your sensitivity, innocence, creativity, compassion - your inner compass!

We've been wearing masks all of our lives - psychological masks to cope living in a world of lies and deceit (the Piscean Age). Now it's time to take them off for the Age of Aquarius and stand in your Light as a Beautiful Eternal Soul having Human Experiences 

There's much more!

Watch my latest video where I talk more about these New Moon Themes:


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