❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

😲 New Moon Solar Eclipse - Shadow of Domination through All of the Signs

New Moon Solar Eclipse - June 10/21

Solar Eclipses bring fated events in surprising and unexpected ways. They can feel like miracles from the Divine.

The energy of a Solar Eclipse can ripple forward for 6 months.

Solar Eclipse in the 45th Gate

The shadow pattern lifting is Domination to give us Synergy and Communion.

This is all about how we have structured and organized our society into hierarchies. 

The shadow is connected to the reptilian part of our brain. It is this reptilian consciousness that hierarchies are built upon.


Qualities of the Reptilian Consciousness

We all have it! This is the animal part of us that is territorial, competes, fears and reacts to threats to our survival. It is concerned with food (money), sex, shelter and power. I elaborate on this more in detail in the video.

This consciousness has ruled our world for thousands of years and is breaking down for the Aquarian Age because it is no longer serving our evolution.

Bully - Doormat

The archetypes of the Bully and Doormat are about to get the boot for this New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The Bully and the Doormat can not exist without one another. They are the same frequency but different expressions of this shadow pattern.

We can flip from Bully to Doormat depending upon the person in front of us.

You maybe facing a bully in your life and this requires setting a boundary from a place of self love.

Depending upon your rising, moon and sun sign - the chart will show you where this will take place in your life.

If you don't know this information - go get your free chart here.

Gift of Synergy and Communion

This is all about organizing ourselves with the frequency of equality. No one is higher or lower than another. Yes we have differences but they are our human experiences not our true identity.

In order for true equality to emerge on this planet we must have a spiritual awakening en masse.

Communion is Love in Action. It is the Divine experiencing itself through two human beings.  This is where we are headed for the Aquarian Age and the 2027 Solar Plexus Mutation.

In the video I share my own personal story of the sutra Recognize the Other Person is You and the gift of Communion.

Watch more and learn how this shadow of Domination will play out in your life according to your sign(s).




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