❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Saturn Retrograde in the Shadow of Weakness

37gk saturn weakness Jun 12, 2023

Yes Our Spiritual Tests are Magnifying 

Saturn in Retrograde from June 17 until Nov 3/23 intensifies anywhere you are NOT in the Truth and aligned with Your Authentic Self.

Saturn brings these lessons on the material realm so that you're forced to confront them.

Saturn wants you to dig out those unconscious fears and dissolve them for good so you can Mature into your Spiritual Adulthood.

Saturn - Opportunity or Punishment?

It's your choice how you view the challenges in your life. If you choose, in this Now moment, to believe that Life is conspiring for your Awakening then that will become your experience.

Awakening is to feel happiness and joy for no reason.

Saturn in Shadow of Weakness (37)

Your shadow work is to face the fear that there is no support for you. The ego identifies with this fear and creates a story about how you must stay limited - afraid, angry, anxious, depressed or powerless. In other words to listen to your ego is to remain weak and to face this shadow to align with your Divinity is your Strength. 

At the end of this transit - Saturn Rewards You when you make and effort and do your inner work.

How Does this Play Out in My Life?

Well you need to look at your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs to focus in.

For example,

Taurus will discover they have not felt supported by their friends or network (internet friends). The exchange is  unequal and will bring up painful emotional  memories from their past. Saturn wants you to mature and  become your own Best Friend first and be more discerning who you let into your life. But you must FEEL these Fears.     


Check on your loved ones too if you have time - it's good to know what challenges they are going through too!

Watch the Video - Timestamped

 Click on your Sun, Moon or Rising Sign and you'll be on my Youtube Channel:

Pisces 23:32 Aries 28:27 Taurus 32:03 Gemini 37:37 Cancer 43:00 Leo 48:28 Virgo 54:40 Libra 1:01:34 Scorpio 1:07:05 Sagittarius 1:14:48 Capricorn 1:20:07 Aquarius 1:29:37


NEW - Prosperity in Your Chart  Webinar Series ( 8-10 hrs) - $20 Off until June 19/23

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