❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Social Uprisings from a Spiritual Perspective

currrent events Jun 18, 2020

Sat Nam, Aloha 

It was predicted as we enter the Age of Aquarius that we would see more and more social unrest. Remember what we see out in the external world is only a reflection of what is going on in the Collective Unconscious of Humanity.

We are Waking Up!

What we are seeing is the dismantling of structures that have kept humanity disempowered and controlled for thousands of years. 

Collapse of Social Hierarchies

 In the Piscean Age, Hierarchies were the way in which we organized ourselves as a humanity. These Hierarchies are fear based systems focused on the oppression and dishonoring of other human beings.

The Shadow Pattern that rules Hierarchies is called Dominance. Incidentally, we just moved through his collective shadow last week which is why you probably stood up to some bullies in your life including your own mind!

Through our childhood conditioning we are placed in these Hierarchies according to our race, gender, class, culture, education, religion and nationality.

We are then taught that there's not enough resources for everyone and we must  compete with one another, compare ourselves and either give our power over to the system or dominate others below us. 

The Aquarian Age consciousness moving through us is communicating, "We've had enough - this is not working anymore. We need a new way to go forward that is based in equality."  Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct in Aquarius in December 2020 and this means the power will move back to the people. 

What's the New Way? Synergy

Every Shadow has a gift and it's Synergy! 

Synergy is when seemingly different things come together to create something new that is greater than the sum of its parts. Synergy is based in collaboration,  cooperation, co-creation, creativity, honor, respect and equality and trust in the wisdom of the Group Consciousness.

Dominance/Hierarchy is vertical while synergy is horizontal that reaches far and wide. 

How to Bring Synergy into your Life?

  • Walk away from the illusion that you are better or worse than any other human being
  • Support people who are anchoring in this new Aquarian Consciousness and take your money away from the businesses that are operating from Dominance
  • Honor those that the Divine brings to you no matter how different they seem to you
  • Trust in the wisdom of the Group Consciousness when gathering in groups

Remember when give your money to  a light worker (healer/teacher/coach) - you are not only supporting that person - your money is also reaching  other people that light worker is supporting! For example, your money will go to organic farming or eco friendly products or other light workers or other businesses.

This is how the supportive network of light reaches far and wide instead upwards to a dying hierarchy. 

Watch my video where I talk more about this shadow and gift. The Shumann Resonance spike on May 26 - what does this mean? How the dark forces (Shadow) keep us in hierarchies. Human Design Channel of Money. Where we need to focus our energies right now and much more!



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