❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Social Uprisings from a Spiritual Perspective

currrent events Jun 18, 2020

Sat Nam, Aloha 

It was predicted as we enter the Age of Aquarius that we would see more and more social unrest. Remember what we see out in the external world is only a reflection of what is going on in the Collective Unconscious of Humanity.

We are Waking Up!

What we are seeing is the dismantling of structures that have kept humanity disempowered and controlled for thousands of years. 

Collapse of Social Hierarchies

 In the Piscean Age, Hierarchies were the way in which we organized ourselves as a humanity. These Hierarchies are fear based systems focused on the oppression and dishonoring of other human beings.

The Shadow Pattern that rules Hierarchies is called Dominance. Incidentally, we just moved through his collective shadow last week which is why you probably stood up to some bullies in your life including your own mind!

Through our childhood conditioning we are placed in these Hierarchies according to our race, gender, class, culture, education,...

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