❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Timeline Shift - June 23 - Aug 26/23 - Transcend Shadow of Corruption

The story line of humanity has recently shifted.

Remember that we are integrating our shadow patterns from deep within the collective unconscious of humanity.

The karmic axis now says that we now need to transcend the shadow of corruption (50) and embrace the gift of innovation and innocence (3).

The Channel of Mutation is being activated by Pluto ( 60) and the North Node (3). North Node is our evolutionary North Star until Aug 26/23.

Great Change is Coming - Themes to Consider 

  • Let go of the fear chaos and disorder that always precedes great change
  • Refuse to give up your Values for the promise of  external security 
  • Let go of the belief that you are too little to make change 
  • Let go of focusing only on your personal survival 
  • Embrace your innocence - be like a Divine Child again - playful , laughing as you sit on the lap of God.
  • Trust Life and the Divine 100%
  • Know that chaos is part of the process of your Rebirth

 This New Moon is opposite the Galactic Center and it is the clearest representation of the Ego  so it's a powerful energy to work with until July 2, 2023.

Watch the video or Listen to learn more about these themes and how you can laser focus on your part of this profound  Spiritual Work.

Taurus 38:53 Gemini 46:44 Cancer 52:52 Leo 59:02 Virgo 1:06:45 Libra 1:12:33 Scorpio 1:17:46 Sagittarius 1:22:55 Capricorn 1:29:50 Aquarius 1:36:33 Pisces 1:43:15 Aries 1:50:28


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