❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

New Moon in the Shadow of Half - Heartedness - Time to Commit

I pray that you are well and living in Trust and Faith in God during this time of great transition into the New World.

What's Your Spiritual Work?

Remember that your Spiritual Work right now is to Awaken. This is unique to each person because it's an inside job!

These collective shadows that we see out in the external world such as greed, corruption, oppression, fantasy, deception and addiction are actually coming from inside each one of us.

What's a Shadow Alchemist?

Each one of us is a Shadow Alchemist. We work with what is coming up in each moment and then we transmute the shadow into the light which reveals the gift. The more and more light that we spread out into the world the less shadow we will see. Shadows can't exist in the Light.

New Moon in the Shadow of Half-Heartedness

This shadow pattern can make us fear making a mistake in our life or have us believe that we have already made a serious mistake in our life! This can create a flip-flopping back and...

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