❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Pluto in the 61st Shadow - Activating the Pineal Gland

Pluto has been in the 61st Shadow from March 2018 until Nov, 2022. Pluto represents our human collective shadow. 

This shadow pattern is connected to the Pineal Gland.

The Pineal Gland contains crystals and is like an antenna that connects us to higher frequencies such as inspiration, creativity and LOVE.

The pineal glands  brings us into the higher centers of our Spiritual Self. The Pineal Gland develops normally from 0-7 years old and then begins to shrink. This can be offset with a child that meditates.

Watch the video to learn much more about this shadow pattern and a simple yogi breath that you can practice to activate your pineal gland.

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