❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Fall of an Empire from a Spiritual Perspective

Sat Nam, Aloha

It doesn't matter where you live - we are all being impacted by the Social Uprisings that we see all over the United States. The world we know it seems to be out of control, filled with fear and headed for a cataclysm. 

It's important during these times to go within and  elevate your perspective. What looks like chaos is actually a sign that a consciousness is being birthed.  You can simply do this by closing your eyes, slowing down your breath and asking GOD, "Please let me see the world through your eyes."

We are also headed into eclipse season and the first one is this Friday, June 5th, 2020. Full Moon eclipses slam doors shut in order to get us back on track towards our Soul's Destiny. 

Join me for a LIVE Class this Friday @ 11:11 am (HST)  for a chat and Kundalini Yoga Meditation. I'll keep the video up in case you can't make the time zone.  Just subscribe and ring the bell to be notified. 

Fall of An Empire

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