❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Full Moon - Jan 25 - Step Up To Your Soul Purpose

 Full Moon Activates the Leadership Gate of Influence (31) 

Today, Jan 25/24, is the first full moon of the Human Design New Year.

This energy is calling us to step up in leadership. This is about having influence on others either directly or indirectly. For example, you can be a leader of this new consciousness, your family, community, network of friends. You can be a leader in your workplace even though you don't hold the title of supervisor - it means that you have an influence on others. You can be a leader as a healer - influencing others to their well being. 

The gate is in the 4th line which tells us that when we do become visible as our authentic self (leaders) - some people will appreciate our courage and others will criticize us. We can't escape this dynamic - a thick skin is required  for true leaders.

This Full Moon says,  lean on the strength of your Spirit and don't try to please everyone and don't let the...

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