❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

NEW MOON - Liberate Yourself From the Hive Mind ( Shadow of Oppression)

Energies until Oct 14/23

New Moon - Shadow of Oppression (47)

I can't tell you how many times I have seen the number "47" this week!

Neutrino Astrology (Human Design) - describes how the Maya works and the best route to take for us as a humanity. Of course, those that choose the Spiritual Path. 

Personally the shadow of Oppression can be experienced as  trying to figure out your life with your mind. It can bring anxiety and depression. 

Collectively, this  gate brings the big questions up like, "What's my purpose? Where is there meaning in my life? Is this all there is?"

And 47th gate is in the 6th line of Futility which says that complaining and blaming is futile.

The theme  says that you will be sensitive to those that are competing for the gold in the victim olympics.

This New Moon says to use your power of discernment to determine who is correct for you in your life.

Uranus is Liberating us from the Hive...

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