❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Karmic Axis is Shifting - March 15th - New Shadow Work

The karmic axis is shifting this week on March 15th  and remains there until July 31, 2022. 

 Freak to Genius Channel

The karmic axis consists of the south and north node of the moon. On March 15th, it forms the freak to genius channel (43 -23)  that connects the ajna to the throat. This transit can give us the ability to tap into insights that could possibly change the way that we see and think about the world. 

Letting Go of Deafness and Embracing Simplicity

The south node is in the 43 which means that we are being called to let go of the shadow of deafness. This shadow makes us deaf to the voice of our Soul so that we only listen to the voice of our Ego. 

We are to embrace the North Node which is to embrace the gift of Simplicity. The most elegant way to bring more simplicity into your life is to get rid of excess clutter in your home but also in your mind and emotions.

Voice of the Soul vs Voice of Ego

In the video I talk about 5...

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Good news - New Moon - Act on your Divine Insights

deafness insights new moon Nov 07, 2020

Mars Goes Direct 

Mars rules our motivation and willpower. Mars has been retrograde since Sept 9th which affects our ability to take action on our intentions. Mars is going direct one day before the New Moon on Nov 13th, 2020.  This means that things will start moving again.

Questions to take into Prayer or Meditation

What have you been angry about since September?

Where have you become more fortified in your life?

What has dropped away?

How do you want to use your willpower? 

What are you being called by God to initiate?

New Moon in Scorpio in the Shadow of Deafness and the Gift of Insight 

The new moon on Nov 14, 2020 gives us some good news. There will be divine insights coming to you through flashes, dreams and inspirations.

The shadow of deafness can block you from accessing these insights.  Deafness creates a noisy, worrying and opinionated mind. 

The best way to manage this lower frequency energy is to create an environment that...

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