❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Pluto Moves into the Shadow of Limitation until 2025. What Does this Mean for Humanity?

60th gate limitation pluto Jan 09, 2022

The good news is that Pluto is finally moving out of the shadow of Psychosis which it has been sitting in for the last 3 years. This means we'll see more people come out of the spell of hypnosis. The bad news is that Pluto is moving into the shadow of Limitation for almost 4 years.

Of course, "Good or Bad" depends upon your level of consciousness. 

What Does Pluto Represent?

It takes Pluto 248 years to orbit the Sun and move around the mandala. It will be returning to the very beginning (41st) in 2026 which launches a whole new cycle of experience for humanity. 

Pluto is the king of the Shadow and is digging up our deepest fears in the darkest parts of our psyche.

Pluto also represents our relationship to power. Since 2019, Pluto has pushed us to explore the mysteries of life to discover our own individual Truth. However, many people chose fear over faith and were swept away by the shadow of psychosis.

Pluto Moves into...

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Saturn Jupiter Conjunction - the Mutation of the Human Species

60th gate limitation Dec 20, 2020

Sat Nam, Aloha

December 21, 2020 not only ushers in the Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) but there is also a rare astrological event!

It's a Saturn Jupiter conjunction in the sign of Aquarius. The last time these 2 planets were this close was about 800 years ago in 1226. The next time we will see this is in 2080 - a once in a lifetime event. They call this the Christmas star because Jupiter and Saturn will look like one star in the sky.

What About the Neutrino Astrology?

Both Jupiter and Saturn will be exact in the 60th Gate - 5th Line - 3rd Tone.

The 60 is the gate of LIMITATION and in the line of LEADERSHIP. This is a highly mutative and pressurized gate coming from the Root Chakra.

What Does It Mean?

Humanity will experience a pressure to Evolve. This can be expressed as fatigue, sadness, depression and a sense of hopelessness that anything will change.

If you have this gate (60) or the channel of mutation (60-3)  in your natal chart - you will be impacted more...

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