❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

✍️ Who's Writing Your Story? Chiron in Shadow of Control and Gift of Authority

Sat Nam, Aloha

Chiron shows the collective wounding of humanity. It is in the shadow of control (21) until May 24, 2022. It's part of the channel of sustenance which rules the distribution of material resources.

Who is Writing Your Story?

We have not been taught the power of the word. In my latest video I talk about how words actually imprison and limit our perception of reality.

Humanity is in a story written by our own hand. The problem is that when we are in shadow we give our authority or authorship to the external. This mean that we are allowing someone else to write our story for us. Humanity is in a deep spiritual lesson to come into correct relationship to authority.

Why Do We Give Our Power Away?

It is our wounded child self (that never grows up) and by default gives their power away to outside authorities. We have been taught to obey authority from day one on planet Earth.

So when a person does try to take their power back - they're faced with all the trapped emotions of...

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