❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

🤩 Shadow of SELF-IMPORTANCE (enemy) Through ALL Signs

Sun in the 12th Gate

The Sun falls in the 12th gate this week. It's in the shadow of self-importance and the gifts of discernment and purity.

p>Self-importance (12) is the enemy to Awakening

Self-importance is the last layer to dissolve on the path to Unity Consciousness. Spiritually speaking, self-importance is when we create an identity out of our human experience.

So for example if you identify with your experience of being a mother. If someone indirectly challenges your mothering abilities - this shadow will drive you to defend yourself. 

The 12 gate is connected to the dropping of the larynx 85,000 years ago. This is when human were able to communicate with one another.

The shadow of self-importance calls us to  face  our fear that someone can take away our freedom.

Most People spend their time feeling offended by someone's words and actions

It  takes energy to defend yourself in this way. This shadow reaction steals the radiance from your aura.


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