❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

KY Meditation for Full Moon In Scorpio

1st gk full moon scorpio May 07, 2020

A Full Moon in Scorpio can bring up strong intense emotions from the past. The shadow side of the the archetype of Scorpio can be vengeful, possessive, intolerant, jealous and secretive.  If you have every crossed a Scorpio you know that stinger can hurt!

The higher purpose of this Full Moon is to let go of any of these negative emotions that are still lingering from the past so you can be a conduit for Universal Love. This is the perfect opportunity to let all of it go - the grudges, resentments, hurt and pain!

It's going to affect you in a particular area of your life depending upon your  Zodiac Sign. So check out my recent video to learn more how you can use this energy.

Practice this Powerful Meditation to Let Go of the Past and to Forgive ...

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