❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

🔴 What Must Spiritual People Do Now? Sun in the 46th Gate until Sunday - it's Good


Sun in 46th until Sunday 

This week the Sun is in the 46th Gate which is the love of the body.

You'll notice the 46 comes off the G center which rules identity, love and direction.

In the video I talk about what it means to have a defined vs undefined G Center

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What Must Spiritual People Do Now? 

This transit is showing us that we must merge our spiritual and material self.

It is the Body or our vehicle that is LIFE. The ancients even say that the Angels are jealous of humans because we have a physical body.

In the Aquarian Age, in order to evolve we are being called to be fully present to our Life. Bringing Heaven to Earth means delivering more and more of our consciousness into our physical body.

What Blocks us from Being Present?

When people make the commitment to being full present in the  body - it can be extremely uncomfortable at first.

All those unattended emotions from the past (0 -7 yrs old)...

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