❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

🦁 Lion's Portal this Sunday - What Does It Mean For You?

This New Moon is also called the Lion's Portal. A time when the unified field will be infused with Divine Energy.  The moon is also in the 7th gate which is all about our relationship to leadership. 


Shadow Leaders vs Light Leaders

We really haven’t seen true leadership on this planet and it's mainly because we've been steeped in shadow frequency or victim consciousness.

In a nutshell shadow leaders are motivated by power and money. It is because of this shadow that many people follow and obey these leaders without question. Both need each other to exist.

It will not be until the planet and humanity raises its frequency that we will be able to even see the Light Leaders. That's why if we elect new leaders it's the same corruption because it's the same shadow consciousness in a new disguise.

Some people are waking up to this corruption because the Tribal Consciousness is breaking down for the Aquarian Age.  This means the  institutions rooted in hierarchy that used to support humanity are falling away. I talk about this in my 2027 Webinar.

What is the Root to the Rot?

The events in the material world are simply an emotional mirror of humanity.

We are evolving through the Emotional Body. The collective emotional body is going through a deep purification process as we move into Spirit -Vibrational Awareness.

All those stuck emotions from childhood have been triggered through Solar Flare activity ( plus more)  and then projected out into the world. 

We are only seeing our Emotional Trauma made Manifest. 

This is why I am so adamant and passionate about inner child work - this is how we access the higher emotional states of love, bliss and joy. This is our natural state. Only then do we have mental clarity to forge ahead into this New Age of Aquarius. When we operate from our new Spirit or Vibrational Awareness.

If you want to learn more about this - please join me for the Chiron - healing the Mother Wound Webinar Series starting on the day of the Lion's Portal - 8-8. 


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