❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Post Solar Eclipse - Transcending Duality - Age of Pisces

5th gate patience transits Dec 05, 2021

The Solar Eclipse fell on the 5th Gate in the Shadow of Impatience and Gift of Patience. Expect this energy to ripple for the next 6 months. 

Piscean Age - Age of Duality

We are now leaving a 2,000 year cycle of the Piscean Age. The symbol is that of two fishes swimming in a never ending circle.

This represents the plane of the duality that we all live in. Where you find one thing you will find its opposite. Light - Dark. Male - Female. Hot - Cold etc.

In the collective unconscious of humanity, there is a balancing of light and shadow that is taking place. This is what we are seeing reflected out in the world. 

We Will Continue to See Darkness until We integrate our Shadow 

In order to transcend the two opposites we must acknowledge the existence of the other. 

There is a great division of humanity taking place on the planet right now.  It is tempting to fall victim to the shadow of impatience and cut people out of our lives. 

When we do this, we are essentially repressing an aspect (that person represents) of ourselves that we don't want to integrate.

Each person that comes into our lives is to  teach us something about ourselves. 

At this time our job is to unify and not to separate. 

Impatience Creates Missed Opportunities 

The shadow of impatience does not trust that things will ever change. How many people have left relationships before the miracle of healing that comes from commitment?

It's like the bee that buzzes from flower to flower not staying long enough to receive the nectar.

We must cultivate patience with one another especially those that we have the most conflict with. We need to find our similarities rather than focus on our differences.

Please watch my short video to learn more about this time and our Spiritual Test.


Extended for the Month of December - $25 OFF Recorded Readings


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