❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

🚚 Truckers Freedom Convoy from A Spiritual Perspective

You've probably heard about the Truckers Freedom Convoy in Canada. There are now approximately 150,000 trucks that have descended upon the capital of Canada - Ottawa, Ontario. This event has inspired other truckers around the globe to follow suit demanding the end to jab mandates, passports and freedom for all.

Friendship - Aquarian Age

It's interesting that this movement started on Jan 23, 2022 one day after the Sun moved into the 41st hexagram. This is the start of every cycle of human experience.

This event has captured the hearts of people around the world and bringing people to tears watching the footage from people actually there.

This event is showing us that the Spirit of Friendship is being liberated from the collective human unconscious.

We are touched by to witness such selflessness because it reminds us of our true nature. Humanity is rooted in kinship - related not by blood but by Spirit. 

Friendship is a major quality of the Aquarian Age.  In my video I go more into the importance of friendship in the Age of Aquarius.

Shadow Consciousness of Division and Separation 

It is in our human nature to be friends with all. The shadow consciousness has worked hard to break the human spirit - keeping us apart and afraid of one another, hiding our faces and keeping us away from our loved ones. Basically demonizing our humanity.

 At the same time this shadow consciousness has also helped to liberate the human spirit.

Watch the video - I go into the 5 Qualities of Friendship and other good stuff too!


 $25 OFF Recorded Readings - Start the Process to Let Go of Your Shadow Self - Type in "25OFF22"


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