❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

😲 Emotional Week Ahead!

Channel of Emoting

Have you been feeling emotional this week? Maybe feeling numb, depressed, disillusioned, angry or hopeless? Maybe you're experiencing physical body flare ups? Or reactive towards others? Judgmental? Old painful memories surfacing? Reaching for those old addictions and distractions?

These are all signs that your emotional body is getting poked and prodded.

The Channel of Emoting (39-55) has been activated from July 1 - July 8, 2021.


What Does it Mean?

The Sun is in the shadow of provocation in the root chakra pointing up to Jupiter in the shadow of victim in the Solar Plexus.

This channel is going through a massive mutation for the 2027 Solar Plexus Mutation.

For the Aquarian Age we are evolving through the Solar Plexus (Emotional Body). This means that stuck charged emotions from our past need to be integrated.

The 39 is the draino and plunger liberating our stuck emotions and moving us out of victim consciousness (55).

Be sure to watch the video to learn...

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