❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

🌞 Sun in the Shadow of Intolerance and Important Hopi Message

This week our Solar Sun is in the 4th Gate until Tuesday - Aug 17th.

This is the shadow of intolerance and the gifts of understanding and forgiveness. This 4th gate comes off the mind (ajna) center which gives us information about the mechanics of this shadow pattern. 

Intolerance and Division

We are seeing intolerance covering our planet at a break neck speed.

Intolerance is a belief that another person or group of people have control over our destiny.

Spiritually, Intolerance is using the mind to try to get rid of insecurity. The mind uses logic to get rid of those uncomfortable emotions that are releasing from the Collective Emotional Body.

Solar Flares and the Emotional Body  

The electromagnetic field of planet Earth is breaking down through Solar Flare Activity. The electromagnetic field holds our memories in place.

Ancestral memories have been releasing from the collective of humanity since 2012.

These memories are not  like movies in your head. These memories are crystallized energies that release and are experienced as Anger, Fear and Sadness.  

The mind in order to avoid feeling these uncomfortable emotions immediately blames another person or people for how we are feeling. It looks for a logical reason why they are the problem.

Parasitic Consciousness Feeds Intolerance

It's not too difficult to come up with reasons to be intolerant of another  because the parasitic consciousness (main stream media/gov't) does it for us.

Any message that divides humanity up into us and them is coming from a shadow frequency. In truth we are ONE human organism.

The shadow of Intolerance dehumanizes a group of people using logic and actively encourages division and hatred. 

Spiritual Warfare

It is our daily discipline to not fall into this trap. To transmute this shadow is to embrace our fear of uncertainty - the unknown. 

We must resist the temptation to blame others for how we are feeling. It just is and part of your evolution into the Age of Aquarius.

This takes understanding and forgiveness. We all live in a unified field of energy that is filled with fear, anger and sadness. We can either react to this energy or we can transmute this energy by purifying our own individual emotional body.

These emotions surfacing are the key into higher states of Awareness (Solar Plexus Mutation). Where we feel authentic peace, bliss , joy and love. 

Watch the video to learn more about how to manage these times and an important message from the Hopi Elders.

Ready to Start Purifying Your Emotional Body?

Then join me this Sunday for the Class #2 of the Chiron and Healing of the Mother Wound.

Class #1 - 3 hrs with Powerful Meditation to Forgive your Earthly Mother is NOW available. 


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