❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

The Aquarian Age Means Mass Rebellion

aquarian age rebel Feb 06, 2022

The ancients told us that as we enter into the New Age of Aquarius we would experience mass social uprisings across the globe. 

Rebel - Aquarian Age

As part of my Aquarian Age series, I'm exploring the qualities and characteristics of this new Age.

Last week was the exploration of Friendship. Be sure to watch it if you haven't already.

This week is the exploration of the archetype of the Rebel. 

There is a difference between the False Rebel and the True Rebel. 

The Aquarian Age demands that we all embody our Authentic Rebel nature. This means to individuate and become our Authentic Self. 

There are 5 differences between the True and False Rebel -  covered in the video.

This time holds the potential for a massive rebirth of humanity. We must let go of our old ways of being as they won't work anymore. It is time to operate from the light of our Soul instead of the darkness of the ego. 

Be sure to make some time to Watch the video - so that you can learn to anchor in the qualities of the Aquarian Age.


 $25 OFF Recorded Readings - Start the Process to Let Go of Your Shadow Self - Type in "25OFF22"


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