❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

💥 New Moon - Powerful Mutative Energy Coming in April

42nd new moon transit Apr 11, 2021

New Moon - Mutative Energy

As you can see, the new moon chart has a lot of definition (color) through two powerful mutative channels.

Pluto (60) meets Venus (3) to create the Channel of Mutation. Mars ( 12) meets Neptune (22) to create the channel of Openness.


What Does it Mean?

This month promises change. This is deep mutative inner change that we don't necessarily see in the external world - yet!  The realm of 3D time and space has to catch up. 

Remember that all the change we see in the world is actually coming from inside each one of us.

We may not see the change but we will definitely feel it. You may feel a little bit melancholic this month - before you go to the drug store - remember that this is the chemistry that indicates you are going through your own mutation. This can take the form of spikes in your body temperature for no apparent reason.

I talk more about this in my 6 hr 2027 Solar Plexus Mutation Webinar.

You also have the potential to mutate your...

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